Next Level Fermentation Workshop

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 At the Kauaeranga Community Hall and Pākaraka Permaculture Market Garden

In this workshop, we will cover:

  • Lacto-ferments (krauchi, labneh)
  • Koji and Miso
  • Ginger beer and Ginger bug soda
  • Mead

Workshops include: 

  • Demonstrations and hands-on experiences
  • How to make ferments successfully at home
  • Tastings
  • Food safety and troubleshooting
  • Serving suggestions
  • Enjoy a delicious spread of fermented and preserved foods and drinks, made with organic produce from our farm
  • Tour in our gardens

More details

In this workshop, we will demonstrate making a ginger bug, the key ingredient in ginger beer, homemade ginger beer making and tasting, and a fermented fruit soda made with the ginger bug. Bring a small jar to take a ginger bug home with you.

Mead is a relatively easy and simple alcoholic drink you can make at home. In this workshop, we will demonstrate all the steps in making mead and sampling various batches. Sparkling mead anyone?

This workshop will give you an understating about what koji is and what it needs to do well; and how these understanding open the door to creative uses. We will cover koji applications such as making miso with various pulses and other ingredients, shio koji, and koji-cured vegetables.
Bring a 250 ml jar to take sweet miso home with you.  

We will make together one of our favourite lacto-ferment recipe - krauchi. We will also demonste how to make labneh, which we will enjoy later in the day. 
Bring a 500 ml litre jar to take krauchi home with you.


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